Germain Phanord


Massage Therapist, CPT, CES

I have played competitive sports and trained my body to my full potential For as long as I can remember. I would walk 5 miles to the YMCA to workout with my friends as a kid.
As a personal fitness instructor, I ran marathons and competed with clients and friends in triathlons. Training my body to the max allowed me to become familiar with pain, sore muscles, and stiff joints. I decided to become a massage therapist because I saw the need to include rehab and recovery with my clients. 

I enjoy working with clients to resolve chronic pain issues, sprains, athletic injury prevention, and recovery, among other issues. I aim to help you reach a point of living without pain by adjusting each massage to your individual needs. Your first session usually provides significant relief for most aches and sprains; however, I highly recommend treating the source of the issues to prevent reoccurrences and injuries. A typical treatment plan can range from 3 to 5 sessions, depending on your lifestyle. Most clients range from office workers to athletes of all levels.

We all carry tension and experience pain due to daily activities which affect our daily performance. We all deserve to live a pain-free life, and I’m here to help you get there.

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Follow us to see more about products I love and have used on myself and everyone in my daily life throughout the years. @freebdycommunity
We service a community looking for alternative therapies like soft tissue treatments, sports recovery, and cannabis products.


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