Understanding CBD

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Understanding CBD

What is CBD, how does it work, and when can it help?

CBD stands for cannabinoid.

CBD stands for cannabinoid, one of over 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. CBD is non-psychoactive, so it doesn’t give you as high as THC. You can think of CBD as the opposite of THC because it doesn’t create mind-altering effects like those associated with marijuana.

Instead of being an intoxicant, CBD acts on receptors throughout your body to help regulate homeostasis:

  • It interacts with receptors in our immune system and brain.
  • It impacts inflammation levels and perception of pain by interacting with our endocannabinoid system (ECS).

CBD has been shown to have antioxidant properties that may help prevent some types of cancer from growing or spreading outwards into other areas where they could cause harm.*

There are many different strains of CBD plants, called hemp and marijuana.

You may have heard of CBD oil, but do you know it? And how can it help you if you have a medical condition?

You’ve come to the right place! We explain everything you need to know about this helpful substance.

Studies are finding many potential benefits to CBD, such as easing symptoms of arthritis.

Research is still ongoing, but CBD shows a lot of potential for helping with anxiety and depression. Studies have also found that it may reduce inflammation and pain and help with problems such as insomnia and seizures. More research is needed before definitive conclusions can be made about many of these uses for CBD.

Many people take it in oil form, but it’s also available in cream and capsules.

CBD is available in a few different forms. The most popular is CBD oil, which comes in a bottle and can be consumed orally.

It’s also available as capsules that people take by mouth to get the benefits of CBD without smoking it or vaping it. And there are topical creams that you rub onto your skin, usually directly on the affected area, like your back or knee.

You don’t need a doctor’s prescription to buy CBD products.

You don’t need a doctor’s prescription to buy CBD products.

CBD products are legal in all 50 states, but only if they contain less than 0.3% THC. The same applies to other parts of the world; they are also legal in Canada and the U.K., where marijuana is not yet legal for recreational use.

If you’re over 18 years old, you can buy CBD oil and other CBD products online and in health food stores or through online retailers like Amazon and eBay—but keep in mind that these sellers may not be selling safe or effective products due to lack of oversight by the FDA or similar agencies, so do your research!

CBD oil offers some hope for relief of pain and anxiety

CBD oil offers some hope for relief of pain and anxiety.

CBD is not addictive, which means you can’t develop a tolerance to it as you might with opioids or benzodiazepines. It also doesn’t have any severe side effects like opioid addiction does, making CBD an attractive choice for those looking for pain relief without the risk of developing a dangerous dependency on their medication. However, as with other nonaddictive medications that still have some potential risks (like Tylenol), it’s essential to consult your doctor before taking CBD oil to monitor your progress and make sure the dosage is correct for you.

In addition to being nonaddictive, CBD has been shown by researchers at Northwell Health and elsewhere to possess anti-inflammatory properties that may help reduce pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis or even irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). While further studies are needed to determine precisely how effective this treatment will be over time in treating these conditions specifically—and whether there are long-term side effects from taking high doses over extended periods—this preliminary evidence suggests that there could be some benefits worth trying out if a pharmaceutical option isn’t working well enough already!


If you’re thinking about taking CBD, it’s essential to understand how it works in your body. We hope this article has helped you learn more about this emerging health and wellness supplement, what benefits are linked with its use, and how it interacts with your body to affect your overall wellness.


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